Books must be kept according to a prescribed form. 必须按照规定的形式记账。
Article 32 If the parties fail, within the time limit prescribed by the Arbitration Rules, to select the form of the constitution of the arbitration tribunal or fail to select the arbitrators, the arbitrators shall be appointed by the chairman of the arbitration commission. 第三十二条当事人没有在仲裁规则规定的期限内约定仲裁庭的组成方式或者选定仲裁员的,由仲裁委员会主任指定。
Provided that a judge of the court may allow such departures from any prescribed form as he may think fit in any particular case. 但在任何个别情况中,对于任何订明的表格,法院的法官可准予作其认为适合的偏离。
He shall sign the prescribed form in duplicate and deliver one copy to each of the parties. 则须签署订明的表格,一式两份,交予双方各一份。
The use of a prescribed form leads to a greater certainty. 使用规定的合同形式会产生更大的确定性。
A.All applications for participation shall be made on the prescribed application form which shall be submitted to the fair management or his representatives. 所有参展申请人应填写申请表格,并呈交给展会管理部门或其代表。
Sequential access: Reading or writing items in computer memory in a prescribed order. Magnetic tape is a form of sequential access. 顺序存取:按固定次序,阅读或记下资料的情况。磁带是顺序存取的一种。参阅即时存取。
Pricing Model of European Contingent Claim with Different Interest rate ( 1) where the document is not presented in the prescribed form or the indications therein are not in conformity with the prescriptions; 具有不同借贷利率的欧式未定权益定价模型(一)未使用规定的格式或者填写不符合规定的;
Those who were prescribed 'mirthful laughter' in the form of30 minutes of comedy every day found their stress hormone levels fell. 这些患者媒体收看30分钟的喜剧节目,并笑得前仰后合,这大大的降低了他们应激激素肾上腺素的水平。
If the inspection result shows that the imported drugs meet the prescribed standards, the import record keeping shall be approved and a Customs Clearance Form for Imported Drugs shall be issued by the port drug administration; 检验符合标准规定的,准予进口备案,由口岸药品监督管理局发出《进口药品通关单》;
An application for such a label must be made to EPD in the prescribed form and accompanied by a cheque of the prescribed fee. 如欲申请上述标签,必须以订明的格式向环保署提出,并须附上支付所需费用的支票。
An application for registration as a manager of a school shall be made to the director in the prescribed form. 学校校董注册的申请,须以订明表格向署长提出。
Name: please input the official name printed in your ID card in accordance with the prescribed form. 姓名:按规定格式输入本人身份证件上的正式姓名。
Where the request for reexamination does not comply with the prescribed form, the person making the request shall rectify it within the time limit fixed by the Patent Reexamination board. 复审请求书不符合规定格式的,复审请求人应当在专利复审委员会指定的期限内补正;
Fill out the prescribed application form and apply for participation. 填写规定的申请表格,并提出书面申请。
"Every minister who has officiated at a marriage to which this Ordinance applies and who has not already given the parties a certificate in the prescribed form under the principal Ordinance shall, at the request of either party, give such a certificate:" 每名曾为本条例所适用的婚姻主礼的神职人员,如未曾根据主体条例向婚姻双方发出一份采用订明格式的证书,则须在婚姻的任何一方提出请求时发出该份证书
The Secretary may, on payment by a registered veterinary surgeon of the prescribed fee, issue to him a certificate of registration in a form determined by the board. 注册兽医缴付订明费用后,秘书可向该注册兽医发出一份符合管理局所决定的格式的注册证明书。
Where the document is not presented in the prescribed form or the indications therein are not in conformity with the prescriptions; The person fails to file a tax return required by the civil tax code. (一)未使用规定的格式或者填写不符合规定的;依据税收民事法律规范应当填报纳税申报表而未填报者。
Whether the application material is complete and in compliance with the prescribed form. 申请材料是否齐全,是否符合法定形式。
Aerodynamic design of centrifugal impeller is investigated by streamline curvature method with prescribed blade circulation profile which is described in spline curve along meridian streamlines. Passage geometry is defined in form of Bezier curves. 根据准三维气动没计方法,用Bezier曲线构造叶轮子午流道,样条曲线控制环量沿子午面流线的分布规律,气动设计离心式叶轮。
Under the Visual C++ translation environment, changing the parameters according to the prescribed form, then we can realize the extraction function for different guidance data. 在Visualc++的编译环境下,按照规定格式改变参数,即可实现不同导航数据的提取功能。